Monday 9 July 2012

Sunday's Picnic

If you look closely you may recognise the trees from The Lion King!

Yesterday the whole family packed up the car and headed to the bay where family friends were waiting for us to hop in the boat.  We all jumped on and crossed the bay to our secret shady picnic spot with about 6 other families. We spent the day playing in the water, eating, talking, and playing music. One main difference I noticed besides the numerous amounts of baggettes,  was the generosity and love of goat cheese! One person sliced chunks out of the cheese wedge as everyone else took turns fetching their piece. The team effort really reminded me that "I'm in France!"  In addition, we had someone jammin out Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson (in English but with a French accent) on his guitar. The song almost reminded me of home, except for the fact that many words were accidently replaced with others or missing..... like "Banana Panckes!" It was pretty much a different song with the same beat, but still enjoyable!

1 comment:

  1. hahahah omg thats so cool with the lion king trees!!! ahhh i wish you posted more pics!! and im positive they loved your singing voice i can just imagine the whole scene the french accents with incorrect words and then there is you!! haha oh boy i miss you!!!
